If you’re wondering, “Is a prenup a good idea?” this article will help clear things up so you can make the best decision for you and your future spouse.


If there is one thing you probably don’t want to think about when planning your wedding, it’s probably a prenuptial agreement. It’s not romantic but it can be extraordinarily important. Many couples don’t even take the time to consider it. But is a prenup a good idea for you? It might be.

What is a Prenuptial Agreement?

Prenuptial agreements are written contracts between two people before marriage. It lists all assets they own, as well as debts, and specifies how these assets will be divided and protected in the event of a divorce.

Some of the most common reasons couples want a prenuptial agreement are:

  • To transfer property to children from a previous relationship
  • Make sure all financial responsibilities are outlined
  • Minimize arguments in the case of divorce
  • To protect themselves from acquiring pre-marital debt

Weighing Your Options: Prenuptial Agreement Pros and Cons

In Ohio, the decision to get a prenuptial agreement rests solely on the couple getting married. While it can seem intimidating, having an agreement in place before marriage can actually provide peace of mind.

Understanding the pros and cons of a prenuptial agreement can help you decide if a prenup is a good idea so you can make the right choice for yourself and your future spouse.

Pros of a Prenuptial Agreement

  • Pro: You Must Think About Money – Money management is high on the list of reasons many couples get divorced. Having an open and upfront conversation about savings, debt, property, and expenses through a prenuptial agreement can help ensure you and your future spouse have the same expectations.
  • Pro: Protect What’s Important – Couples that enter into marriage with many assets or a large net worth use prenups to protect what they worked so hard for before marriage.
  • Pro: Better for Business Owners – If you or your partner own a business, a prenuptial agreement protects your interests in the event your marriage should end.
  • Pro: Reduce the Cost of Divorce – While you hope you never separate, divorce is expensive. Having a prenup can help you plan for the worst and streamline the divorce process.

Cons of a Prenuptial Agreement

  • Con: Prenups Can Favor One Spouse – Working with a qualified prenuptial agreement attorney can help you ensure your prenuptial agreement is fair for both parties.
  • Con: Creates a Sense of Distrust – Discussions about finances can often be fueled by tension and emotions. If you and your spouse can’t agree on how assets should be divided, it could put a damper on your big day.
  • Con: Kills the Romance – Creating a prenuptial agreement can sometimes impact the romantic side of your relationship, as it turns the idea of marriage into a business deal.

So, is a prenup a good idea? Despite what you might have heard, a prenuptial agreement isn’t right for every couple. It’s essential to have a conversation with your partner and decide together if a prenuptial agreement is something you both think would be beneficial. Understanding how prenuptial agreements work and their benefits is important. Work with an Ohio Bar Association Certified Family Law Specialist who can guide you to the right decision based on what is best for you and your future spouse.

Get in Touch with a Qualified Ohio Prenuptial Agreement Attorney

Communication is the key to a healthy relationship, and a prenuptial agreement could help you tackle some challenging topics. By working with a trusted attorney, you can create a prenuptial agreement that is fair and protects the interests of you and your future spouse. Get the help you need with drafting a prenuptial agreement. Contact the Law Offices of Kenneth R. Kline LLC for a risk-free consultation in Columbus, Ohio.

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